![Photo of the Andrewsparts drawing of D&RGW box car](../images/catalog/Parts/andrew29.jpg)
The Andrews truck as used by the D&RGW narrow gauge. These trucks were used starting in 1923 with the building of the 34’ stock cars and the 40’ reefer. Later they were used under various other cars like the 6600 flat. Side frames and bolster are cast in bronze and are cored out like the prototype. There is a choice of three different journal boxes — squared bolt ears with flat bottom, round bolt ears with flat bottom and squared bolt ears with round bottom. Castings need machining and drilling. Not assembled. All parts for 1 pair of trucks—less wheels —— $275.00 pr.
Arch Bar Trucks
Main stay of the Rio Grande Narrow Gauge used on most rolling stock. Cast iron wheels and bronze bolster, spring, seat and journal boxes.
Castings need machining and drilling. Not assembled.
$249.95.00 casting set (1 pr. of trucks).
Below: Upright view of Arch Bar Trucks
1 1/2 inch scale narrow gauge detail parts for
the Discriminating Live Steam Modeler